If Wet #19 – If Wet… http://www.ifwet.org.uk in the village hall Thu, 06 Oct 2016 15:33:52 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=4.7.12 If Wet #19 – photo documentation http://www.ifwet.org.uk/documentation/if-wet-19-photo-documentation/ http://www.ifwet.org.uk/documentation/if-wet-19-photo-documentation/#respond Thu, 06 Nov 2014 11:51:34 +0000 http://www.ifwet.org.uk/?p=1508 Here are a few pictures from If Wet #19, which featured two visiting artists. We were delighted to welcome Pete Ashton and Ben Gwilliam to present their latest work.

Our next event is our last of this season, featuring Rosanne Robertson! We aren’t having a big end-of-year event this year but we are planning to head to the pub to celebrate another season afterwards! JOIN US. Oh and, we have scribbled some notes on the back of a blog post regarding our plans for next year.


The odd speaker pods of our light-responsive Sonic Graffiti pieces


Starting up our light-responsive Sonic Graffiti pieces


Pete demonstrating slit-scanning


Pete demonstrating his selfie project


Pete demonstrating his Live Sonification of Photography, using images taken at If Wet

Naturally, Pete blogged his time at If Wet.


Ben demonstrating an early prototype of his latest piece


Ben’s long-form video and sound piece

Very rarely we had no Run What Ya Brung contributions this month, and ran to time!

Thank you to our guest and to all that made it down. Thanks to Team Joory for the wonderful catering and to Francis for the great cakes. Oh and St. George’s for the cracking beer. AND cheers to George Benson for taking these pictures – except those of Ben, which Our David took. Who did we miss!?

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