Author Archives: MortonUnderwood

If Wet #19 – photo documentation

Here are a few pictures from If Wet #19, which featured two visiting artists. We were delighted to welcome Pete Ashton and Ben Gwilliam to present their latest work.

Our next event is our last of this season, featuring Rosanne Robertson! We aren’t having a big end-of-year event this year but we are planning to head to the pub to celebrate another season afterwards! JOIN US. Oh and, we have scribbled some notes on the back of a blog post regarding our plans for next year.


The odd speaker pods of our light-responsive Sonic Graffiti pieces


Starting up our light-responsive Sonic Graffiti pieces


Pete demonstrating slit-scanning


Pete demonstrating his selfie project


Pete demonstrating his Live Sonification of Photography, using images taken at If Wet

Naturally, Pete blogged his time at If Wet.


Ben demonstrating an early prototype of his latest piece


Ben’s long-form video and sound piece

Very rarely we had no Run What Ya Brung contributions this month, and ran to time!

Thank you to our guest and to all that made it down. Thanks to Team Joory for the wonderful catering and to Francis for the great cakes. Oh and St. George’s for the cracking beer. AND cheers to George Benson for taking these pictures – except those of Ben, which Our David took. Who did we miss!?

If Wet – the future…

David and Sam
We are nearly at the end of Season #2 of If Wet and we wanted to let you know our plans, as they stand.

In the short term we have one final event; our 20th! We are very much looking forward to welcoming Rosanne Robertson to the hall on Sunday the 30th of November. Last year our final event was a much extended affair with many performances and the like. This year the loose plan is a standard If Wet, with a bit more emphasis on performance than usual, and then off to the pub! We will add more details about this event when we put up a preview in due course.

The other thing our last event in 2013 served as was a fundraiser. It was a great success and – topped up by entry fees and sales of grub and tat – it has paid our visiting artists throughout this season. We are very grateful to all that came and for all the wonderful donations we had as raffle prizes and Ebay items etc. The reason we are not doing the same this year is that it was also extremely hard work and pretty inefficient. We managed to raise £1200, for which we are very grateful, but with that effort and goodwill you’d ideally hope to raise much more. We will miss the end of year celebration, which will only be partly substituted by going to the pub afterwards…but don’t hesitate to take Monday off and have a really good bash with us!

Season #3
We would like to carry on doing If Wet. This season has taught us a lot and we have resolved to do a six month (ish) season of events next year; in our village hall. We found touring village halls hard to justify from the point of view of audience numbers, because we just didn’t have the people on the ground to promote stuff sufficiently. Festival appearances might still happen if people will have us but the core would be our events in our hall.

We would like to grow If Wet a little in 2015. This year there were a couple of notable artists whom we couldn’t invite, or couldn’t ship their stuff up, because we didn’t have the funds. There will always be limits to this but we would like to kick this up a notch next year in an effort to keep bringing amazing people to Callow End. Also, our cushty deal with the people who run the village hall will end next year and we would like to pay everyone else involved – caterers, photographers, designers, us &c – some money on a monthly basis. We also need to continue to promote things so audience levels don’t drop.

We will work out what sort of sum this adds to and then we will be turning to Kickstarter. This hasn’t been an easy decision for us but the balance of possible funding to workload will hopefully be somewhat less arduous than last year. We have specifically chosen Kickstarter over other options because our plans to develop If Wet during next season are central to what we want it to be. If this doesn’t reach the funding target it wont be possible to run If Wet as we would hope and so we will stop. More on all of this soon.



We are planning a monthly radio show, to run during the If Wet off-season. The idea is that we will focus on a different musical instrument each month. This isn’t intended to be comprehensive or high-brow but to provide an opportunity for us to drive our R&D along and to play some music we like. Like any If Wet these will be “broadcast” on the last Sunday of the month; starting on the 28th of December, from 2pm. Our first show will focus on the tuba, naturally.

We also really enjoyed organising a trip to Foghorn Requiem last year. We saw it as an If Wet Outing. When people who attended Sarah Nicoll’s If Wet suggested we might organise another outing to see her perform in December we thought that was a lovely idea. Being mid-week and many hundreds of miles away may prohibit us going to Sarah’s performance but we will certainly be looking at organising more outings; where possible to see work performed by artists who have presented at If Wet.

Lastly, thanks to everyone for their support throughout this season. It has been truly heart-warming. We hope to see you at our last event of 2014, on the 30th of November, for Rosanne Robertson and pub! JOIN US.

If Wet #19 – Preview

If Wet #19 – our penultimate in 2014 – is looming large. Sunday 26th October, 2-4pm! JOIN US.

We are delighted to have two artists presenting their work: Pete Ashton and Ben Gwilliam.


We will kick things off, demonstrating our latest work as MortonUnderwood. We will be bringing along the units we will have exhibited at the Longbridge Light Festival only the day before.


Then, it’s over to artist and If Wet regular Pete Ashton. Pete describes himself as more a photographer than a musician, but he is interested in whether the two disciplines are that different. In his own words, this is what he has planned for us at If Wet:

Since attending the first If Wet I’ve been thinking a lot about transduction – moving a signal from one medium to another. I’ve also been investigating slit-scan processing and whether the act of photography can be a performance. Using a digital variation on the classic Russian ANS synth (used by Tarkovsky amongst others) I will be presenting the first iteration of what I hope to be a long-term project and invite comments, criticism and collaboration.

To give you a better idea it’ll run like this:

  • I take a photo of someone. This goes straight onto the computer and is turned from a rectangle into a flat disc
  • I then print that disk out, cut it to a circle and place it on one of a number of turntables
  • Next I point a camera at the spinning disk which reads the image and produces sounds which are sent through the mixer to the speakers
  • This is repeated a number of times to see how changing the composition of the image can change the rhythms and sounds from the cameras

We look forward to seeing and hearing the results!


Then we have Ben Gwilliam, an artist whose work spans sound, film, installation & performance.

Ben will be presenting elements of two new pieces from a body of research into how the materiality and experience of sound media reframe/transduce time and/or space. He will be bringing the bare bones for a new installation (albeit scaled down for this occasion) & will preview a new video work that will be released on his new imprint molt in 2015.

Ben’s practice is something of an in-between, binding together concepts and material experiences that are explored through sound media. Considering ‘sound media’ in the plural sense, the perception of sound itself is both physical and one that exists through recorded media. Through Installations, films & videos, performances and publishing he explores sound at the interaction of looking & listening, analogue & digital and music.


As ever, we also welcome short, informal presentations in our Run What Ya Brung section. Just bring any sonic oddity along and you can present it to the audience for their wonderment.

All accompanied by the usual local ale, home-made grub and cake. JOIN US.

If Wet #18 – photo documentation

Here are a few pictures from If Wet #18, which took place back in our home of Callow End Village Hall with the wonderful Sarah Nicolls talking about her Inside-Out Piano, and another great contribution from our regular Run What Ya Brunger, Richard Windley.

Our next event is our penultimate of this season, featuring Ben Gwilliam and Pete Ashton! JOIN US.


Sam demonstrating the spacial aspects of our Futuro Mantra sound art boxes


David and Sam, chuckling


Futuro Mantra box


Futuro Mantra boxes


Futuro Mantra box


Sarah Nicolls introducing the background to her Inside-Out Piano


Sarah Nicolls helping us all experience what leaning inside a grand piano is like


Sarah Nicolls presenting her Inside-Out Piano


Sarah Nicolls providing a unique insight into her latest show


Sarah Nicolls providing a unique insight into her latest show


Sarah Nicolls providing a unique insight into her latest show


Richard Windley presenting his LED light and sound display, as a RWYB.

Cheers to George Benson for taking these pictures – except that of Richard Windley, which Sam took on his phone because George needed to dash…

If Wet #18 – Preview

If Wet #18 is but a few days away. Sunday 28th September, 2-4pm! JOIN US.

We are delighted to have the wonderful Sarah Nicolls presenting. She will be taking us Inside the Inside-Out Piano.


We will kick things off, demonstrating our latest work as MortonUnderwood. This is likely to be an update on our work for the Futuro House project.

Inside-Out Piano

Then it’s over to Sarah Nicolls to present her work.

Sarah is a pianist who constantly innovates performance. She has worked a lot with interactive electronics and recently began to interrogate the piano itself. Sarah designed and built the first Inside-Out Piano in 2008 (at Wolstenholme Studios in Liverpool) to explore the idea of accessing the inside of the instrument as easily as the piano keyboard. She will talk about how this gave her a whole new interface to play with and made lovely sounds. Sarah had her second Inside-Out Piano built this year and is now preparing a solo theatre show, engaging with the more surprising aspects of the instrument, as well as the ease with which it allows ‘inside’ piano playing. The piano is turning out to be quite metaphorical!

Please note: Sarah won’t be bringing the Inside-Out Piano itself. Anyone who has been to If Wet before knows that we have a No PowerPoint rule, which is at least intended to set the tone for how we like to see stuff presented…but the Inside-Out Piano is too big for our budget. Sorry! BUT Sarah has promised she will try to bring it up to the hall next year as part of a tour she has planned.

As ever, we welcome short, informal presentations in our Run What Ya Brung section. Just bring any sonic oddity along and you can present it to the audience for their wonderment.

All accompanied by the usual local ale, home-made grub and cake. JOIN US.

If Wet #17 – photo documentation

Here are a few pictures from If Wet #17, which took place at the Quaker Friends Meeting House in Worcester, as part of Worcester Music Festival. We are very grateful to our hosts, our audience and our wonderful presenters!

Next up, this Sunday, we are back in Callow End Village Hall for If Wet #18, with Sarah Kingdom Nicolls, taking us Inside the Inside-Out Piano. JOIN US.


Quaker Friends Meeting House, Worcester


Paul Gittins describing his Oak Apple Orchestra


Paul Gittins describing his Oak Apple Orchestra


Paul Gittins describing his Bakelite and oak apple visuals


Stavroula Kounadea introducing Ethometric Museum


Ray Lee conducing Ethometric Museum


Ray Lee conducing Ethometric Museum


Ray Lee conducing Ethometric Museum


Ray Lee and Stavroula Kounadea discussing Ethometric Museum

Cheers to our David (Morton) for taking pics that day!

If Wet #17 – Preview

THIS SUNDAY (Sunday 31st August, 2-4pm) is If Wet #17. JOIN US.

Unusually, this is not in our home of Callow End Village Hall, as If Wet #17 will be part of Worcester Music Festival. Also, they have created the preview, so we don’t have to. Here it is! Although we have popped a few photographs below to whet your appetite.

Speaking of appetites, we will have less grub than we normally do in our hall – away kitchen and all that – but still cakes and refreshments. JOIN US.

[Please note: As part of Worcester Music Festival this event is free and has limited spaces only. Book yours here.]


Ethometric Museum 1

Ray Lee and Stavroula Kounadea, Ethometric Museum 1

Ethometric Museum 2

Ray Lee, Ethometric Museum 2

Ethometric Museum 3

Stavroula Kounadea, Ethometric Museum 3

Oak Apple Orchestra

Paul Gittins, Oak Apple Orchestra

If Wet #16 – photo documentation

Here are a few pictures from If Wet #16. Wonderful stuff once again from Lee Patterson, all in front of a typically enthusiastic and engaged audience…thank you!

Here is a preview of our next event, featuring Ray Lee and Stavroula Kounadea, and Paul Gittins – as part of Worcester Music Festival on the 31st August. JOIN US.


Descent - in use

Lee Patterson

Lee Patterson - feet

Lee Patterson - springs

Lee Patterson - salts

Lee Patterson - peanuts

Many thanks to George Benson for the photographs.

If Wet #16 – Preview

EEK! If Wet #16 is nearly upon us; Sunday 27th July, 2-4pm! JOIN US.

After his wonderful presentation at Bardsea Malt Kiln (as part of our recent tour) we are a delighted to have Lee Patterson back for a second time…but in our village hall!

[Please note: from now on all tickets will be sold on the day; Pay as you enter.]


We will kick things off, demonstrating our latest work as MortonUnderwood, and we might even show a little personal project or two off…


Then it’s over to Lee Patterson to present his work.

Lee will explore the sonic potential of his unique instrumentation. From effervescent salts to amplified springs and dry rock chalk to burning nuts, he will open up and play the usually inaudible, microscopic sounds emitted by otherwise mute devices and objects. Having witnessed Lee’s presentation and wonderful sonic delights at If Wet at Bardsea Malt Kiln recently, we can assure you that you are in for an aural treat of the highest order…

Lee Patterson

Lee Patterson

All accompanied by the usual local ale, home-made grub and cake. JOIN US.